Geoff Anderson teaches foreigners to play the Queen's English in Columbus, OH. His work is forthcoming or appears in places like Lunch Ticket, Outlook Springs, and Up the Staircase Quarterly.

Also by Geoff Anderson: The Discovery Two Entangled

Geoff Anderson


5th St. calls mom honkey in the garden while we swim above our neighbors' dead grass. The Honda she lent them idles in their driveway, missing the 'H' from its grill, a tooth no one finds after a fight, as if it could slide back in and the gap would fill under the lips of its smile. I can't look away from her car because my mother is on the steps and I am afraid to see her face after the jab and in her silence I can hear it land.

Lost & Found is published by Glass Poetry Press as part of Glass: A Journal of Poetry. This project publishes work that was accepted by journals that ceased publication before the work was released.
All contents © the author.