Liz Flint-Somerville studied with David Biespiel and Paulann Petersen in the Atheneum Master Writing Program at the Attic Institute in Portland, Oregon. She now lives in Wilmington, North Carolina, and writes about Poems for Everyday Use at Her work has been published in VoiceCatcher, Ouroboros Review, and Ellipsis, among others..

Also by Liz Flint-Somerville: Foreign Objects

Liz Flint-Somerville

I (Heart) Roadkill Drones

There is a man with roadkill and he makes those stiff kitties into drones and FB told me and the comments are mostly appalled (137K of them) and I think he is a beautiful maker of time machines because Drones because their flight skipped some important questions like Who how & why and we gave up nude sunbathing and sex with the lights on and hiding underground heroes and unbombed ancient cities – oops a few schools– before we asked before we thought much before we noticed how hard & putrid our left-overs fly-overs throw-overs are.

I wrote "I (Heart) Roadkill Drones" after a friend shared a link on Facebook, and I watched a video about an artist and taxidermist fusing their technologies with drone technology. Their project was such a perfect metaphor for the prolific use of drones that the poem was written quite quickly, and I tried to match their tongue-in-cheek tone as best I could.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.