Zaina Alsous is an angry Muslim poet, activist, and daughter of the Palestinian diaspora. Some of her current interests include prison abolition and Saturn's moons. You can find a few of her poems in The Offing, Jaffat El Aqlam, Word Riot and elsewhere.

Zaina Alsous

On Longing

An exaggeration that exaggerates. A smile that eats the mouth. Sediment or beloved,
the hanged terrarium. Want never comes without atonement. Even the fates must share
an eye and a tooth while stroking Apollo’s thread. Ask the Sufis how
to find God:
buried. Beneath the ink breath of otherwise; moaning
is is is in circumference. Faith was easier before sex became involved.
Who will touch me in the middle of this war.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.