Chelsea Dingman
"Prayer After Migration & Miscarriage"

Saquina Karla Guiam

Kate O'Donoghue
"A Little Girl Wakes Up on a Conveyor Belt"

Talia Flores

Wendy Wisner
"First Love"

Krista Cox
"Fisher of Women"

Lauren Camp
"Such Bowers of Surrender"

Jennifer Lynn Krohn
"Miss Pond's Etiquette for the Absurd"

Maggie Fern

JM Miller
"how death holds a form, a beholding"

Lost & Found:

Jennifer Jackson Berry
"I Can't Imagine Her Window"

Nicholas Fuenzalida
"Two Poems"

Sandra Kolankiewicz
"Quick Study"

Catherine Chambers
"Hush Hush"

Katherine Hoerth
"Pecos Bill, Awaiting Sue's Return"

Glass Extras:

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Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.