heather hughes

Allyson Ang
"Portrait of a Modern Woman"

Yasmin Saudi
"some girls"

Jessica Lynn Suchon
"Undressing for a Personal Apocalypse"

Kristin Ryan
"Dissociative Amnesia"

Allie Long
"How Obsession is Born"

Angie Macri
"Graeae, What We Share"

Anhvu Buchanan and Brent Piller
"O Night I Left You"

torrin a greathouse
"The Preacher Screaming 'Yoga Pants are Sin'"

Alison Prine

Grace Qing

Farah Ali

Larisa Svirsky

Tara Channtelle Hill

Jenn Strife Gibbs
"May I Live as the Lotus"

Lost & Found:

Hannah Warren
"The Woman to the Doctor"

Tammy Robacker

Sandra Marchetti
"Are you my angel?"

Levi Todd
"Upon Finding A Photo App That Lets You Set A Filter Before You Take the Picture"

Ashley Mares

Glass Extras:

From Around the Web:

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.