torrin a. greathouse is a genderqueer, cripple-punk from Southern California. They are the Editor-in-Chief of Black Napkin Press. Their work has been published or is forthcoming in Duende, Apogee, Lunch Ticket, & Assaracus. They are a 2016 Best New Poets, Bettering American Poetry, and Pushcart Prize nominee, and semifinalist for the Adroit Poetry Prize. torrin's first chapbook, Therǝ is a Case That I ∀m, is forthcoming from Damaged Goods Press in 2017.
calls me sinnersodomite / eyes
my red lips & how they paint
my mouth into a door
[& this is meant to ward off death]
but i have swallowed
so many bodies
felt them die / on the tip
of my tongue
i want to tell him about the man
twice my age
how i lined my throat
with his cock
like silk
how cum spilled over
his chest in the thin light
& looked like mercury
poison / i would have gladly swallowed
[& this is how i paid the rent]
i want to tell him that i was visited
by an angel / wings
of sweat & liquid metal
staining pale suede
hear him call me faggot /
call my body city
razed for sin
& i will remind him
that this city burned
for refusing solace / locked doors splitting
into crimson
[i paint my lips red / leave them gaping / on their hinges / & name this / salvation]
I've been in a space lately where I have been thinking about survival a lot. Survival, and the shame that comes along with it. We place a lot of value behind wealth and success in America, but very little behind struggling simply to exist. A lot of this piece is deconstructing my own shame around sex work as a tool for survival, as well as a rejection of religious values that act to oppress sexually liberated bodies, particularly queer and femme bodies. There is an importance in re-appropriating the misappropriations of biblical stories constantly undertaken by "Christian" sects, in making holy from that which they name sin.