M. Wright is the author of two forthcoming chapbooks: a boy named jane (Bottlecap Press, 2017) and Dear Dementia (Ghost City Press, 2017). He is the 2016 winner of The Atlantis Award in poetry and his poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Squawk Back, Maudlin House, Ghost City Review, L'Éphémère Review, cahoodaloodaling, and Temenos Journal. More: wrightm.com Twitter: @m__wright
The hallway is a koi pond each
creak cocks the buckshot &
shotguns ripples downstream
bopping shells onto my landlord's
pillow the koi flops around &
bends back its spine might just
snap it couldn't snap fast enough
why would someone put fish
up here I hear her shouting
underneath the pond but it is
too muffled I start plucking
lily pads out the water to make room
for her language I do it the same
way between my eyes I just
pull till something breaks &
something breaks it is her ceiling
& all the fish flush into her arms
but I still can't hear what she's saying
seems the koi have settled into
quiet & the hallway is drained.