Afua Ansong is a Ghanaian American writer, dancer, and photographer. Her work interrogates the challenges of the African immigrant in the United States, exploring themes of transition, citizenship, and identity. Her chapbook, American Mercy is forthcoming with Finishing Line Press. Her work can be seen or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, Frontier, Newfound and elsewhere.
Afua Ansong
I have the bedroom secrets
of God: how He expects
me to sing songs as jewels
birthed in stones, how He
protects prayers of forgiveness
with his backhand,
how he looks away
so I am not consumed by his glory,
how my heart is always on its knees,
for grace.
Grace, may it be an answer,
may it be the answer.
"#9" started as a love letter to myself expressing the changes in state of mind I experienced before accepting that I really belonged in the United States. God is my first love and somehow I try to involve him in everything I do. This is plain flattery to him but also to explore what it means to have almighty God on a page. I think he likes it.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.