Kimberly Ann Southwick is the founder and editor in chief of the literary arts journal Gigantic Sequins. She lives in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana and is a PhD candidate in English with a concentration in Creative Writing at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She has two poetry chapbooks, every song by Patsy Cline (dancing girl press, February 2014) & Efs & Vees (Hyacinth Girl Press, October 2015). Her work was a finalist for the 2016 Yemassee Poetry Prize and a semi-finalist for the Beecher's Magazine 2016 Poetry Prize.
Previously in
Glass: A Journal of Poetry:
Kimberly Ann Southwick
This first thunderstorm-free night I’m making friends
or trying with almost just anyone at the local bar.
We’re singing life, liberty & the pursuit of
this is not a game. Green by silver blade,
America mows & mows its grass, forgets to water it.
It can only rain so much before we know nothing
but rain. Our neighbors, my new friends, blonde & smiling
behind cold beers, listen to the bells, I counted, ringing
far past whatever possible o’clock it could be.
We peer, like unflinching street cats objective
& warm, into one another’s eyes with an antique candor,
a desperate unmoving nod only the fucked can cop.
It’s the insects alone, I insist, forgetting my umbrella on a hook,
who know how to hum along with the planets’ new magic.
"VENUS & MERCURY STATION DIRECT" is part of my current manuscript of poems, ALETHEIA, that are mostly in 14 lines, many of which address the theme of humanity's movement away from trusting in the language of nature and towards reliance on creations of our own to compel us into an uncertain and not necessarily better future.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.