Jessica Smith is the author of numerous chapbooks including Trauma Mouth (Dusie 2015) and The Lover is Absent (above/ground press, 2017) and two full-length books of poetry, Organic Furniture Cellar (Outside Voices 2006) and Life-List (Chax Press 2015). Her third book, How to Know the Flowers, is forthcoming from Veliz Books.
Jessica Smith
11 June 2016 / Atlanta
Lorraine says “we are in our late thirties”
reminisce about cakes of our youth
our parents were this age: old
we dream of growing even older
photos of Anne Waldman with Alice Notley
who did they look to when they were our age for inspiration
on your thirty-eighth birthday I walk through Midtown Atlanta
with my son, eating fancy popsicles,
one of a handful of times I’ve walked at night without a man
I feel transgressive joy
occupying the night-space without protection
this space for men only, for some men
the shimmering mysterious darkness we walked through together
under each others’ wings
the night fifty people aremurdered in Orlando
four women
forty-five men of the “wrong kind”
out after dark
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.