Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick
"The Brain Like An Orchestra That Can Play Many Tunes"

Mars Hu
"Recollection of Animalism"

Joanna C. Valente
"To The Harvey Weinsteins of the World"

Hannah Schneider
"Dating Takes Courage"

"What I Am Hoping My Children Look Like"

Michael Schmeltzer
"The Falling"

Maya Jewell Zeller
"Spell Begging to Be Your Gerry Lindgren/ Spell Lying Down on the Job"

Anne Champion
"Saint Hermione"

Sarah Nichols
"The Monkey on My Back"

Hassain Ahmed
"Love Story"

"How To Deal With Distance"

Samuel (Sara) Hovda
"Faggot Regrets Not Coming Out Sooner"

Dariana Guerrero
"Body Worship"

Eileen Chong
"Pulau Ujong"

Jennifer E. Hudgens

Jennifer Saunders
"Note Pinned to My Lips"

Lost & Found:

Justin Hamm
"First Lesson in The Dead"

Maria Martin
"Event Horizon"

Ace Boggess
"My Condolences"

Patricia Clark
"Self Portrait in a Pew with Sisters"

Daniel Bourne
"One of My Students, Upon Completing His Reading of Walden"

Poets Resist:

Courtney LeBlanc
"This Body"

Glass Extras:

Special Announcements:

December 31, 2017 is the deadline for the Ohio Poets issue of Glass: A Journal of Poetry.

From the Archives:

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.