Rax King is a dog-loving, hedgehog-mothering, beer-swilling, gay and disabled sumbitch who occasionally writes poetry. She is the author of the collection The People’s Elbow: Thirty Recitatives on Rape and Wrestling (Ursus Americanus, 2018) and her work has also recently appeared or is forthcoming in Yes Poetry, Dream Pop, and Five:2:One.
Rax King
The conquering hero and the blushing damsel
I feel me lamenting
the joke of my body.
I laugh
when men
say I have a nice body:
who is she nice to? laugh
my tinny
laugh, rise,
cactus knees to not much
height. In fantasies, I
am able,
I am
strong. Big-armed and ruddy,
a steak eater. I save
the girl.
a bony laugh: crickets’
legs beating sound
from each other.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.