Author photo by Ceasar Jones Photography
Reigh is an artist and poet from Rochester, NY, who debuted in publication in The Finger Magazine, fall of 2017. Much of her recent work, "Of Small Power" included, touches on recovery, medication, and her expanding role in the LGBTQ+ community. Keep an eye out for her first chapbook, a current work in progress.
Of Small Power
crossed at the knee
triangles strung from ankles
under ceaseless red
spiderskin cracks
to twisted pelvic
scuffed by abrupt
taken on heel
this morning my legs
bend in only one direction
words from my father
titch notches
into unfamiliar kneecaps
when Sun rests
in equilibrium
they malleate
we'll learn how to walk
along flashing
and bare words
behind closed
left unopened
along with my father
who lived
inside folds of self
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.