Teo Mungaray is a queer, chronically ill, latino poet pursuing his MFA at Pacific University of Oregon. He is a co-founder and co-EIC of Cotton Xenomorph. His poems can be found in or are forthcoming from Cosmonauts Avenue, Assaracus: A Journal of Gay Poetry, Prelude Magazine and The Bellevue Literary Review. He currently lives in Portland and is running out of space on his bookshelves.

Teo Mungaray


I have forgotten how to speak so I eat lengua, cow tongue. I wrap it in a tortilla. The cow speaks for me, says: you ate my cheapest part, says wouldn’t you rather taste my loin? says: I was raised on corn and secret beatings, says: I did not eat by choice, says: they cut out my tongue only after they cut my throat, says: it is good you do not speak, says: I will speak with my grief-tongue for you. Savor me.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.