Adam Zhou has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards in the National Level and his works have appeared or are forthcoming in The Rising Phoenix Review, What Rough Beast, The Kill List Chronicles, Eunoia Review, among others. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief of The McKinley Review. As a high school sophomore at the International School Manila, he has been subject to the wide array of exhibitions cultural perspectives have to offer and aims to share these through writing.
Adam Zhou
Reverse Oneirology
my brother wakes me up
by splitting apart my eyes.
behind them, there’s a river
for his gaze to drift in.
The next time
he’ll enter my bedroom
he'll tell he's a monster
a fake in my reveries:
an adolescent cries
because he thinks
he hears sounds
under the bed.
they demand
the white
Lullabies - thunderous
in the background
and no one to tell me why
I still hear footsteps
coming closer.
my heart
is smothered in droplets
of water. tears,
which is poison. i savor it.
I’ve been running
under the underbelly
of the sky — rendered transparent. It’s hard
to tell the difference between shadows and ghosts.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.