Kimberly Ann Southwick is the founder and editor in chief of the literary arts journal Gigantic Sequins. She lives in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana and is a PhD candidate in English with a concentration in Creative Writing at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She has two poetry chapbooks, every song by Patsy Cline (dancing girl press, February 2014) & Efs & Vees (Hyacinth Girl Press, October 2015). Her work was a finalist for the 2016 Yemassee Poetry Prize and a semi-finalist for the Beecher's Magazine 2016 Poetry Prize.
Kimberly Ann Southwick
in heaven do you get to be your best self or your favorite self
maybe a mythic version of yourself
do you come as you are or as you were
me I want to be a statue version of me holding a sword and an ice cream cone
if they say I can keep only my brain or only my body I still want both
send me to the campfire in hell with a bag of marshmallows if that doesn't fly
on this ninety-degree spring day
I can't remember if I prefer sweating in my car windows up
or holding a cold grapefruit to my cheek in the supermarket produce aisle
"CUTLASS" is part of a chapbook-length series called CHEVRON, which I wrote (weirdly quickly) during a transitional period. The uncertainty of the future, its newness, I only appreciate once I've arrived, but imagining it when impending or in progress makes me ask a whole lot of questions. This poem, like a lot of the poems within that series, reflects that.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.