Ruth Awad is the author of Set to Music a Wildfire (Southern Indiana Review Press, 2017), which won the 2016 Michael Waters Poetry Prize. She is the recipient of a 2016 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award, and she won the 2012 and 2013 Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize and the 2011 Copper Nickel Poetry contest. Her work has appeared in New Republic, The Missouri Review, CALYX, Diode, The Adroit Journal, Sixth Finch, and elsewhere.
Ruth Awad
The Sleepwalker
Love was a room I kept walking into.
Ink drenched, star slick,
rusted in a downpour
of streetlamps, I hunt my wild god,
set loose on your winged heels,
howl down your babel moon if it brings one feather
to my door. I'll wear your scent like an animal
carries its young, each gentle fang
the last place that
mourned you.
Show me where leaves wet the ground and my bright throat blooms.
seed, lover, curse,
this is how the night survives us both:
I can always hear it baying.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.