W. Todd Kaneko is the author of The Dead Wrestler Elegies (Curbside Splendor 2014) and co-author with Amorak Huey of Poetry: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology (Bloomsbury Academic 2018). His recent work can be seen in The Normal School, Barrelhouse, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, SmokeLong Quarterly, Monkeybicycle, and many other places. A Kundiman fellow, he is co-editor of Waxwing magazine and lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan where he teaches at Grand Valley State University.

W. Todd Kaneko

Pledge of Allegiance

The children know my name. They speak it every day because their teachers tell them to say a prayer for the dead, one hand covering their heart, as if to protect it from those words placed in their mouths like communion wafers. There are no promises here, only a boy face down on the asphalt, his heart uncovered for the evening news to transform into a knife or a shotgun or a lethal kiss. My name is a field of stars and bones, a ragged eagle swooping down on your family of tiny songbirds. Pretend, if you can, that I am a strong melodious song, an incantation to protect you from gunfire, a tree standing tall in the school yard. Try to ignore all the ropes. Don't try to name all the bodies.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.