Hannah Cohen lives in Virginia. She is the author of the poetry chapbook Bad Anatomy (Glass Poetry Press, 2018). She’s a contributing editor for Platypus Press and co-editor of Cotton Xenomorph. Recent and forthcoming publications include Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Noble/Gas Qtrly, Longleaf Review, Pretty Owl Poetry, Bending Genres, Cosmonauts Avenue, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Gravel, and elsewhere.
Hannah Cohen
Some Covenant
for my sister
I can give you a kind of kindness, but
that’s about it.
You’re old enough
to admit I’ll likely die
before you.
don’t worry,
there’s a surplus of living,
and Big G dash little d
won’t take it back.
A punishment for being,
I know.
I’ve attempted
almost everything on earth,
and you’re sad.
One small state
of self-collapsing.
My self collapsing.
yes, here I consume
to stay consumed.
I wolf one,
down another.
Our prayers unfaith-
full of space.
You ask me what
does this all mean,
what are you
even saying,
and it means
you are better
than this world,
my own world,
the slanted world
without a plot.
Forgive me,
I can’t repair
any beginning.
This inheritance damns us;
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.