Author photo by Nicholas Nichols
Luther Hughes is a Seattle native and author of Touched (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2018). He is the Founder/Editor-in-Chief of the Shade Journal and Associate Poetry Editor for The Offing. A Cave Canem fellow and Windy City Times Chicago: 30 Under 30 Honoree, his work has been published or is forthcoming in New England Review, BOAAT, TriQuarterly, The Adroit Journal, and others. Luther received his MFA from Washington University in St. Louis. He thinks you are beautiful.
Luther Hughes
There Will Be Mourning
Election Night, 2016
I’m taking too long. I’m at bar ignoring my friend’s call. I take another shot, a pill, a drag of a man’s cigarette out front. He smacks my ass. Cue the war on everything, a white man shrieks. I pray to a god who has no eyesight, drink myself plum: for nerves to numb. Someone chucks a glass of tequila into a wall. I go home, cry into my roommate’s lap. My mother calls to tell me a woman from church has died. You know her, she says. Knew, I straighten. Sometimes I react to things I never touched. Behind the dumpster, a man tries to fuck some feeling into me. Blue where it matters. I want my roommate to change the channel. He asks why if nothing will change. The man I poured myself into, I can’t stop. Blame “the black” in me. I feed off the recognition. The first step in cleaning is to recognize the infection.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.