Zefyr Lisowski is a trans femme artist and writer currently based in New York. She teaches and studies at Hunter College, edits poetry for Apogee Journal, and is the author of the chapbook Blood Box (Black Lawrence Press, forthcoming 2019) and the microchapbook Wolf Inventory (Ghost City Press 2018). Zef's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Muzzle, DIAGRAM, Femmescapes, Bone Bouquet, and The Texas Review, among other journals.
Zefyr Lisowski
A Woman Is Like A Thick Fog. Stranded Landmass. Tangled Waistband. Not To Be Trusted
This is what I am (telling) (to) (you)
Woman is immaculate hair
The men (grab) (it) again (and again)
Is long blond(e) hair
Is glasses is accessory
I bath(e) myself in it (the hair)
I love it (the accessories)
Look at (this) My (flushed) face
Collect my (lisped testimonies)
Feel my (smooth) (arms)
I watch the television
The men talk over me (even) (now)
I (report) my instances of (woman)
(They) (talking)
(They) examine (my) (body)
My testimony
(Powerlessness), the doctor tells me, can be read (as a mark of success)
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.