Fargo Tbakhi (he/him) is a bi, Palestinian-american performer and writer in phoenix, arizona. His work has been published in Maudlin House, Ghost City Review, and Cotton Xenomorph, and is forthcoming from The Ellis Review, Crab Fat Magazine, Cosmonauts Avenue and Yes Poetry.
Fargo Tbakhi
elegy, with lines from mitski
another child died today and/ i'm not doing anything/ someone mispronounced my name today/ i'm not doing anything/ inside every shell is the echo of what used to live there/ reminding us/ this is how the disappearance sounds/ reminding me/ my body's/ sanctuary is not/ your sanctuary/ mine made of words and yours/ made of/ things i cannot ever understand/ you exceed my grasp/ carapace beyond my skin’s reach/ oh, yours made of confinement/ children do not know/ what their body is/ until someone calls it what it is not/ a fountain/ a threat/ someone calls you/ collateral/ someone calls you/ crushed little stars/ i call you family/ i call you dead and never/ coming back/ and i'm not doing anything/
and someone says/ i wanna see the whole world/ and someone excises your graveyard/ from the tour/ and someone tells me/ “as an artist, you have the privilege of transmuting/ your pain into/ beauty/ it is your responsibility”/ i wanna/ tell them/ go fuck yourself/ want to tell them to try and/ see the whole/ picture, even the parts that are sickening/ want them to watch the/ world/ they know transmuted into/ bloodied rubble/ refuses to answer your call/ i want this but/ i don't know how/ so i say nothing/ i look myself in the face and breathe/ i remind myself/ i'm gonna pay rent/
nothing survives in a vacuum/ nothing survives when the air/ is sucked out/ oh, a city is only as hospitable/ as its walls allow it to be/ as a broken bottle of gin/ oh, a ship in a bottle sails nowhere/ no matter/ how meticulous its scale/ how precise its painting/ a ship in a bottle sings/ i wanna see the whole world/ and never moves/ oh, someone had to pluck those stars from heaven/ someone had to crush them/ and the stars don’t know they are more beautiful/ as powder/ they are too busy being/ dead/
a thought i had that i’m too afraid to share/ is that if i could trade my entire life/ for one more second of yours/ i would do it in an instant/ i’d live a thousand lives so you might live/ a thousand seconds/ i’d beg/ would you kill me, jerusalem/ one more second for bayan abu khammash/ kill me, jerusalem/ for ahmad jihad al-aydi/ kill me, jerusalem/ another second for moath ziad soori/ i’ll ask again and again, jerusalem/ i’ll beg with the bones of my knuckles/
oh, swallow me broken/ spit them out whole/ in the next life, in the second you return/ i will be there/ let me kiss your forehead/ let me smooth your hair/ wherever we are/ whoever we might be/ come find me
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.