Rachana Hegde is an 18 year old Indian writer from Hong Kong. She falls in love with characters from books and endeavours to have fewer existential crises. Her poetry has appeared in DIALOGIST, Diode Poetry Journal, and The Blueshift Journal. Her work has been recognized by the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and nominated for Best of the Net. She serves as a poetry editor for TRACK//FOUR, a literary magazine for writers and artists of color.
Rachana Hegde
I want to be better than the sadness.
See, it comes when I call. A pen, a knife,
an open wound. Pain has many names but
they're all irrelevant. What matters is what
you do with it. I cultivate an awareness of
the light that clings to my skin. The light stays
when I scream. When I disintegrate,
there is only enough light to hold me still.
Objects crowd beneath my skin — matches,
pins, keys. I try to hold them inside me unlike
the water that rivers down my arms.
I love an effortless violence; how easy it feels
to be broken open. The thirst sustains itself,
refusing to let me drown. If I could exist in
a single moment, I would stay here, in this
darkened room, searching for light.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.