Faylita Hicks

Savannah Slone
"mechanical horti(cult)ure"

"Black & Shining & Tired"

Yujane Chen
"paper daughter"

Brenda Venezia

Cameron Bynum
"Cops and Robbers"

Salem Dockery
"Who’s That Bible Woman Who Slept with a Man and Tore Her Breasts Off About It?"

Stephanie Chang
"Nobody (2002)"

Alexis Rhone Fancher
"My Body is a Map of Scars"

Chanel Brenner
"The Morning Before the Pregnancy Test"

Sarah Ghoshal
"‘Til the End"

Carolyn Oliver
"The Horse I Would Have Chosen"

Avra Elliott
"The Glory of the Smoke Tree is the Utter Failure"

Maya Owen
"Diptych for the First and Last Women on Earth"

Poets Resist:
Guest Edited by Sarah Clark

Sreshtha Sen
"Notes on Tense"

Adedayo Agarau
"they called us dead"

Scherezade Siobhan
"Bomb Shelter"

Valentine Conaty
"Blooms in smothering but sometimes’ … a study in blood"

Max Heinegg
"Swastikas in the Snow"

Aimée Lê
"Ways Not to Think About It"

Carla Sofia Ferreira
"Crossing The Line"

"The Suicide Bomber Climbs A Mountain & Leaves A Note"


Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.