Yujane Chen is a poet from Taiwan. They are a Winter Tangerine Fellow and Pink Door Fellow currently working towards a B.A. in Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley, where they serve as an intern with the Multicultural Community Center on campus. Their work appears in Black Warrior Review, the Shade Journal, and elsewhere. They believe their revolution begins with listening.
this year, it is my turn to burn
something for the ancestors. my family a burial
ground pillaged by grief. my mother
walks past the library of gravestones
searching for my name. i forge her
a daughter from paperwork
carved out of my old passport’s rotting
mouth. here: a single crude cut dress.
a full head of hair framing her face. i fashion
a girlhood from the ashes & see my body
returning to me in smoke. a trick of the eyes,
how i fabricate the perfect illusion before
i disappear as a nightgown laced
with salt. last smolder of incense through the throat.
naturalization. return towards dirt. riot to dust.