Emma William-Margaret Rebholz
if a trans kid runs away from home & no one is around to stop them do they even make a sound?
Thoreau was a coward like the rest of us runaways
who never made it out that far but we still love him.
I never fully grasped the term transcendental
so I’m reclaiming it for every queer who wants out
of their body. the running joke is that gays can’t drive
but surprise! we’ve been piloting our anatomies so well
for so long no one thought to ask us about our pronouns.
if earth is god & god is all of us & all of us are one giant body
then I hope we could spend more time picking our nail polish
than debating our gender. sorry, you can’t escape community
even when you’re ten miles from anyone who could even guess
your name. love’s like the glue mousetrap you ruined
a good sock with. it stays with you even when you curse it out.
someone somewhere is thinking of you in the brightest light
from your best angle & that’s just the way of the universe,
but when I say I I mean we I mean the universe because we’re all
always together all the time & we make up everything worthwhile. kid,
what I’m saying is, you can’t live deliberately if you’re not living
in the first place. & all I know, standing here, is that this place loves you
like you never even left.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.