Santino DallaVecchia

Paula Harris
"Genghis Khan caused the death of 10% of the world’s population, leading to forest regeneration and increased carbon absorption; I struggle to get out of bed in the morning but still recycle and in summer try to water my garden with grey water from the washing machine"

Trust Tonji
"The deaths that killed your mother broke your wings"

M/Em Amory
"Artemisia paints me and I ask her to describe what she sees"

Isabelle Jia
"Still life"

Emily Lake Hansen
"My male professor asks haven’t women
been writing about this for decades already?"

Alicia Winokur
"const reminder = true;"

Katie Darby Mullins
"Dr. Phil and I Watch My Husband Play Guitar in a Packed Bar"

Christina Yoseph
"The Child Inside"

Rae Hoffman Jager
"Postpartum Moon"

Charlotte Covey
"Goodnight moon"

Jeni De La O
"Eight Stages of Someone Else’s Grief"

Poets Resist:

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.