April Michelle Bratten's work has appeared in Southeast Review, Thrush, Cartridge Lit, Screen Door Review: Literary Voices of the Queer South, and others. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Up the Staircase Quarterly.

Also by April Michelle Bratten: in the dark The Summer of Anne Three Poems

April Michelle Bratten


I never touched the other one | I curled into a plead body That is a lie | I am in fact expanding | billions of lit matches | my body spreads into a redshift prayer on the daily | My sex is my body of work | That is a lie | My sex is a black hole | It waits for no body Stars are hard work for lights already lost | A galaxy of muscles my body will never tag | I watch old bodies reject new bodies | touch nobody on earth | just the way I like it | unfurl into a plead | deep space body sparkling horror body | won’t be outdone body | you too are a some body Evolutionize | my | body | if space allows | I might be detected as a body This is my radio | of echo

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.