Sarah Ghoshal's work has been published widely in journals such as Cream City Review, Reunion: The Dallas Review, Mom Egg Review, and The Moon Magazine, among others. She is a professor at Montclair State University, a mom of three, a partner, resister, persister, woman, entrepreneur, and giant fan of Bugs Bunny. She lives in Jersey.

Previously in Glass: A Journal of Poetry: ‘Til the End Instructions for How to be (Mostly) Happy

Sarah Ghoshal

Singin’ in the Rain

I admit, my dear, I am compromised. I flit past my goals in the early dawn, ignore them with a convenient feeding. I long for you to come back from the couch, to be near me at night while I dream of songs that appear in the morning. I sing. I sing to you while you sleep, slowed down show tunes, Gene Kelly in a tweed suit, jumping in puddles we might ignore as adults. The kids keep their feet close enough that we track movement, follow their dreams to castles and campsites until we just long for each other, the twining of hands, the wrapping of bodies, the warmth of the familiar, a previous life, a story we tell when we must recall a world with sleep and the latest of nights, the brushed, difficult realizations of who we might have been.

The best I can say about this poem is that it is the story of having three kids in five years.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.