Su Hwang is a poet, activist, and the author of Bodega (Milkweed Editions), which received the 2020 Minnesota Book Award in poetry. Born in Seoul, Korea, she was raised in New York then called the Bay Area home before transplanting to the Midwest. A recipient of the inaugural Jerome Hill Fellowship in Literature, she teaches creative writing with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop and is the cofounder, with poet Sun Yung Shin, of Poetry Asylum. Su currently lives in Minneapolis.
Su Hwang
Model Minority Myth
As monolithic fiends: half human, half swine — scored
Along walls of excavated quarries, deemed eternally
On the periphery. Granite and limestone etchings
Camouflage shackles made invisible to the naked
Eye, scoured smooth by alabaster debauchery
In selective retellings. Study the frayed edges:
Ankles bound, mouths taped. Hieroglyphs of
Fraught histories cannot be scrubbed clean, though
Some are spared the agony of unanesthetized branding,
However indiscriminately selected. Existence is
Castration, a fashioning: knives held to the throat.
Are we nemeses? To stay afloat, we are told to look
Down, heads bowed — to keep from ransacking our own
Bowels; to keep from choking on bitter, bitter tripe.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.