Aaron Samuels is the author of Yarmulkes & Fitted caps, released by Write Bloody Publishing. He is the recipient of fellowships from Cave Canem, Asylum Arts, and the Millay Colony for the Arts. Samuels is a founding member of the Dark Noise Collective and ranked 3rd place at the Individual World Poetry Slam. He currently lives in Los Angeles where he serves as Co-Founder and COO of Blavity Inc.

Previously in Glass: A Journal of Poetry: Mario

Aaron Samuels

Vin Diesel has his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese

The first stop is obviously the ball pit. Vin knows as soon as he lands, he will sink right to the bottom but he jumps anyways. After all, it is his birthday and all of his friends showed up on time. He is turning six, or forty-seven, and he is the largest person in the room — at least four times the size of the man in the Chuck E. Cheese costume sweating through his fur. But today, Vin is not interested in breaking another Skee-Ball machine, or punching through the glass to take as many Chinese-finger-traps as he can hold. All Vin wants to do is float in a pile of plastic spheres as his friends laugh and smile and do anything besides run away, and it is July and the whole room is sweating and smells like cheese and cola and Vin has never had a friend that wasn’t afraid of him and it is getting harder to tell the difference between a real life monster and a Chuck E. Cheese mascot but Vin is not afraid of either, Vin showed up for the same reason as everyone else, to slide down a plastic tube and jump from one world to another, to find a monster he wasn’t afraid of and laugh until it became small enough to put in his pocket.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.