
"A Lesson On Immunology" by Kyle Liang (Poets Resist) selected for Sundress Publications' Best of the Net 2020 Anthology

"In the Springtime of Her Voodoo" by Emma Bolden (December 2018) selected as finalist for Sundress Publications' Best of the Net 2019 Anthology "Blessing" by Yanyi (November 2018) selected as finalist for Sundress Publications' Best of the Net 2019 Anthology "On Lightning and Rest" by Adeeba Shahid Talukder (June 8, 2016) selected as finalist for Sundress Publications' Best of the Net 2016 Anthology "The Summer I Stopped Catching Bees" by Karen J. Weyant (from 4.1) selected for Sundress Publications' Best of the Net 2011 Anthology "I Keep Having This Dream" by Brenda Paro (from 4.1) selected as finalist for Sundress Publications' Best of the Net 2011 Anthology "Traveling in America" by Laurie Barton (from 2.3) selected as finalist for Sundress Publications' Best of the Net 2010 Anthology


2025 Best New Poets Nominations:

Jenna Nesky "Kiddush Levana — for S" Emma Zhang "they never taught me how to re-enter a womb"

2024 Pushcart Prize Nominations:

Mack Rogers "On an early morning flight, I saw a shadow that reached into space" Anthony Thomas Lombardi "the sparrows, the sparrows" Remi Recchia "Walking with You in Ohio" Wendy Wisner "If Mother" Brooke Sahni "For the wild lavender" Carly Joy Miller "Theater of Inheritance"

2024 Best of the Net Nominations:

Mack Rogers "On an early morning flight, I saw a shadow that reached into space" Shiyang Su "Prayer to Deep Time" Saida Agostini "georgia is a lesson in how to steal prayers or prathia hall becomes martin luther king’s ghostwriter" Adam Gianforcaro "Room Capacity

2020 Pushcart Prize Nominations:

Jason Koo "Everything We Look Upon is Blessed" Golden "When I Was Seven I Captured a Honey Bee in a Poland Spring Bottle to Solve the Mystery of Economy" Saddiq Dzukogi "Waterlog" Tamer Sa’id Mostafa "I Haven’t Been Keeping up on Pluto Much These Days" JinJin Xu "There is Still Singing in the Afterlife" Aaron Samuels "Mario"

2020 Best of the Net Nominations:

Kyle Liang "A Lesson On Immunology" Taylor Byas "Geophagia" Quintin Collins "Delayed MBTA Train Home as Jimi Hendrix’s Stratocaster" Eric Tran "Scenes" Madeleine Barnes "Dreamscape with Embryo" Jess Rizkallah "luv poem 3 (with lines from jack’s mannequin & lauryn hill)"

2019 Best New Poets Nominations:

Amanda Galvan Huynh "Only One of Us Can Breathe in Space" Lauren Milici "The Patron Saint of Nothing in Particular"

2019 Pushcart Prize Nominations:

Sanna Wani "Moon gods are not born" Hajjar Baban "If My Father Gave Me the Words in His Language" Marlin M. Jenkins "as kids we played super mario 64 and dropped baby penguins off of cliffs just because we could" Jody Chan "instructions for removing an IUD" Vincent Toro "Latinxorcismos: Semiotic Study of the Gringo Horror Film (Required Reading)" Lauren Licona "fatigue, or, another brown woman dies on the news and I don’t have the words to describe their indifference"

2019 Best of the Net Nominations:

Su Hwang "Duende Essays" Yanyi "Blessing" Sumita Chakraborty "Basic Questions" Emma Bolden "In the Springtime of Her Voodoo" Natalie Wee "White Men Call You a Dirty Immigrant but Comic Books Call You Vagabond" Marcus Clayton "Black Kids Dance with Sid Vicious Before the End Credits"

2018 Best New Poets Nominations:

Amanda Galvan Huynh "Only One of Us Can Breathe in Space" Lauren Milici "The Patron Saint of Nothing in Particular"

2018 Pushcart Prize Nominations:

Hanif Abdurraqib "I Would Ask You To Reconsider The Idea That Things Are As Bad As They've Ever Been" syan jay "Shelter for a Wayward Polycephaly" Emma Bolden "In America We Have Only the Present Tense" Iskandar Haggarty "of loving a boy in a place you could be killed for it" George Abraham "Errata with Divine Sacrifice" Davon Clark "Sunlight" Sherine Elise Gilmour "Falling Stars" nominated by the Contributing Editors of Pushcart Press.

2018 Best of the Net Nominations:

Les Kay "If Certain Physicists Are Correct, There Are Infinite Universes, and We Must Assume That We Are Transcendently Happy in at Least One, and, Perhaps, Together" Yves Olade "In Which The Black Boy Falls in Love & Learns to Start Running" Kristin Chang "Nomenclature" Hope Wabuke "In This Body, You're Disappearing" Hannah Schneider "Dating Takes Courage" Noor Hindi "Filthy Woman Writes a Letter"

2017 Best New Poets Nominations:

Olivia Hu "Recollection of Animalism" Brandon Thurman "The Language of Birds"

2017 Bettering American Poetry Nominations:

Hazem Fahmy "Autopsy of an Arab" Hyejung Kook "Death Meditations" Sage "How To Deal With Distance"

2017 Pushcart Prize Nominations:

Bernard Ferguson "and Batman never came back to my island" Hannah Cohen "Resurrection" Hyejung Kook "Death Meditations" Anita Olivia Koester "Constellation with False Moon" Topaz Winters "Trigger" Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick "The Brain Like An Orchestra That Can Play Many Tunes" Maria Martin "Event Horizon" nominated by the Contributing Editors of Pushcart Press.

2017 Best of the Net Nominations:

Hazem Fahmey "Autopsy of an Arab" torrin a. greathouse "Self-portrait as Daedalus, Writing the First Draft of His Autobiography" Devin Kelly "New Interpretations of Faith" Amorak Huey "The Kudzu, Everywhere" Anhvu Buchanan and Brent Piller "O Night I Left You" Saddiq Dzukogi "What The Poem Said"

2016 Best New Poets Nominations:

Matthew Landrum "To My Second Daughter" Jasmine Cui "Karyotype"

2016 Bettering American Poetry Nominations:

Mariama J. Lockington "June 12, 2016" Jasmine Cui "Karyotype" Linette Reeman "After Donald Trump is Elected President, Alan Turing Calls Me Crying"

2016 Pushcart Prize Nominations:

Khaty Xiong "After We Hid Your Body I Climbed Into Rain" Siaara Freeman "Urban Girl Writes A Poem After She Hears About The Pulse OR Her Heart Breaks & The Poem Splits In 2" Emily Rose Cole "Definitions" Darrel Alejandro Holnes "All Legs Lead to Naomi Campbell" E. Kristin Anderson "This Is How I Am A Monster" Adeeba Shahid Talukder "On Lightning and Rest," nominated by the Contributing Editors of Pushcart Press.

2016 Best of the Net Nominations:

Khaty Xiong "After We Hid Your Body I Climbed into Rain" Saquina Karla C. Guiam "Tapestry" Adeeba Shahid Talukder "On Lightning and Rest" Anna Meister "Conditional" Danèlle Lejeune "Every Delicate Step"

2013 Best of the Net Nominations:

"Secured Cushions, Beer and Olives" by Lisa C. Krueger (from 5.2) "Moth to Flame Theories" by Amy Schulz (from 5.2) "Becoming Dalí" by Shannon K. Winston (from 6.1) "Why must the blackness of nighttime collect in our mouths" by Caroline Klocksiem (from 6.1) "Voice Lessons: de la Casa Azul" by Jackie K. White (from 6.1: Rebirth) "Winter Doves and Phantoms on State Road 85" by Patricia Belote (from 6.1: Rebirth)

2012 Best of the Net Nominations:

"Woman in Secret" by Marcus Jackson (from 4.2) "Remnants" by Teneice Durrant Delgado (from 4.2) "The Antonym of Rain" by Antonia Clark (from 4.2) "How the Dead Fish" by William Page (from 5.1) "February 24th" by Jenny Morse (from 5.1) "Neptune's Coquette" by Joan McNerney (from 5.1)

2011 Best of the Net Nominations:

"Adolescence" by Sara Henning (from 3.2) "End Games" by Sharlene W.N. Teo (from 3.2) "The Meaning of It" by Robert Hastings (from 3.2) "I Keep Having This Dream" by Brenda Paro (from 4.1) "We Are Learning to Be Silent Together —" by Corinna McClanahan Schroeder (from 4.1) "The Summer I Stopped Catching Bees" by Karen J. Weyant (from 4.1)

2010 Best of the Web Nominations:

"Taking Leave" by Roberta Feins (from 2.3) "Flood Plains" by Sandy Longhorn (from 3.1) "Camp Loss" by Adam Tavel (from 3.1)

2010 Best of the Net Nominations:

"Narcissus pseudonarcissus" by Shannon Walsh (from 2.2) "Pay Phones and Other Archaic Artifacts like Love" by Iris Gribble-Neal (from 2.2) "Traveling in America" by Laurie Barton (from 2.3) "hope" by Nanette Rayman Rivera (from 2.3) "It's Never What You Think" by Kit Kennedy (from 3.1) "Because Audrey Hepburn Movie Marathons Give Me Ideas" by Brianna Noll (from 3.1)