August 3, 2016
LGBTQ Poets Respond to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting
torrin a. greathouse
On the Midnight Sky, Fireworks Calling to Us Like a Mother in the Distance
53 dead / queer bodies spread across the night
club floor / a host of heartbeats with bullet wounds /
guilty of nothing / but surviving / that long //
& they say that this wouldn't have happened /
if they had been strapping / like a young kid
in the hood's never been shot for strapping / never
died because they had a gun / or it looked like
a gun / in his hand / or he had hands at all //
like the winter after Trayvon died / mothers didn't
stop buying their sons black hoodies / like we ain't
all learning to be afraid of the dark / behind our
eyelids //
& the summer after that / Tim & i stood /
backs to brick walls / faces to the hot black silk /
of an 80 degree California night / scarlet sunrise
beginning / to drip from the horizon //
talking about funerals / & how growing up
black / or queer / you watch your mother
beginning to bury you / over the evening news /
& maybe then i didn't understand / how easy he
could look at the back of his hand / & mistake it
for the night sky //
but now, i want to call him / tell him i am afraid to
dance / [& not like we / ain't always been / but
not like that] // tell him that i think i understand /
disappearing / into the night / or a crowd / anything
that will take us //
tell him / ain't it funny / how we dance with our hands
up / like we can reach god / [like we still believe /
he's up there] / like we ain't guilty of anything / but
survival / like we got hands at all //
i wanna say / how you breathe / on the 4th of July? /
when it sounds like the sky is screaming / for us
to return to it / when fireworks sound / like gunshots /
like mothers' voices / like child, please come home //
i wanna say / remember when we weren't afraid? /
when we didn't feel like / paper targets? / didn't watch
the news / start counting bullets / & graves /
wondering when the body count's gonna be high enough /
[or if it ever will] //
i want to say all of this / message him / near midnight /
like we can only speak / of this / when the sky has
made itself into a grave //
i want to tell him / that i feel myself becoming an exit
wound / before they even pull the trigger //

torrin a. greathouse is a transfeminine nonbinary, cripple-punk, queer-do from Southern California, and a Co-Founder of Black Napkin Press. Their work has been published or is upcoming in Rust + Moth, TQ Review, The Feminist Wire, & Caliban Online. They have never been so afraid to be alive in America.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published weekly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.