August 3, 2016
LGBTQ Poets Respond to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting
Steven Sanchez
The Gunman
the four chambers of my heart
each loaded with a bullet,
each beat another revolution
in my chest,
my throat
a barrel,
my curled tongue
a trigger.
I believe
in spirits,
in every fag
and queer
I've heard
and allowed
to pass through my body
and into the next.
I believe
in possession,
believe each metal slug
entering our bodies
tonight is a history
we can't escape,
forged in factories
across this country
by men
who feel threatened
by love.
And when I stare
into my reflection
one last time tonight,
I know each pupil
will become an exit
I've spent my life
learning to lie
to myself,
but tonight
the truth
will enter my body,
will hurt,
will kill,
will leave
an echo.

Steven Sanchez is a CantoMundo Fellow, a Lambda Literary Fellow, and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Fresno State. His chapbook, To My Body, is forthcoming from Glass Poetry Press and his poems have appeared in Crab Creek Review, Nimrod, Word Riot, Rogue Agent, The Cossack Review, and others.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published weekly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.