August 3, 2016
LGBTQ Poets Respond to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting
Leslie Contreras Schwartz
Lullaby for My Son After the Orlando Massacre
The baby has been crying all day
and I don't know why. Head
back, swollen face, looking
to me. Looking to me,
he cries like he can't
see me. He cries as if pulling
from some deep well,
the one he knows he may deny when he
is a grown man, like tenderness
never is born in a man,
and so tries to spend every last drop.
These little children are asking you
These little children are asking you
I cup his head, hold him against my breast.
He doesn't see me, doesn't see
Please shine down on me
Please shine down on me
His body writhes, becomes taut,
rigid, pain everywhere
like he feels the years of burying
thought or feelings ahead of him.
Golden sun please shine
Who will hold him
like this again.
What mother would deny this
for her son,
wouldn't take a bullet into her
ribs her heart her skull
take it for him so that he can shout
as loud as he wants to into the dark night,
his echo asking the stars to burst brilliant
on him, to demand the world to love him
like I do, even when the sky sits
in response, a heavy dark blanket.
Someone, whoever that is, will reach for your hand
under this cover of dark, someone,
whoever you want it to be, will
love you with the same tender
song, driving away the things you think
you can't do. You can, because I am
asking every star and sun in its radiance
to shine on you, especially
when it is in the form of a hand,
a body, that will cup your head,
your body. Open up
the chest closed tight inside
and let you spill out into light.
Everyone needs this, even if
they don't know it yet. Because
to be human is to need someone
to recognize the light that glimmers
and dims, that we forget, sometimes
bury. Someone will see that in you,
look at you, and you will feel
your face glow
in full sun,
from inside, that precious light.

Leslie Contreras Schwartz is a Mexican American Jewish writer living in Houston. She is the author of
Fuego, published by Saint Julian Press in March. Her work has recently appeared in
Storyscape Literary Journal and is upcoming in
Tinderbox Poetry Journal. You can read more of her work at
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published weekly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.