August 3, 2016
LGBTQ Poets Respond to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting
Bailey Workman
For Orlando
invisible targets woven
into the hidden dna on the surface
of bones
drew gunpowder from the remains
leftover from bodies loaded recklessly,
one by one
into a heartless magazine,
fired coldly past the doors
of the only chapel that felt like home,
reaching into the ribcage
and wrenching 50 pieces of our heart
that can never be salvaged

Bailey Workman has been previously published in Crab Fat Magazine, Hypertrophic Literary, and Torrid Literature Journal, among others. As an 18 year old gay girl, the Orlando shooting was the first tragedy of that nature to really hit deep. Hopefully, this poem can capture a small piece of the heartbreak the LGBT community, and especially the Latinx LGBT community, is feeling.
Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published weekly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.