K Dulai lives in California. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pretty Owl Poetry, The Eastern Iowa Review, and Marias at Sampaguitas and other publications. She is a current resident of the Pink Plastic House Online Residency.

Poets Resist
Edited by Jemshed Khan
May 16, 2019

K Dulai

The Proliferation of Sand

there is no asylum for the dead the blank face of a child in a cage you prop her mouth open with a pen scrape ink from her tongue the child has risen above the borderlands and died again, you write her resurrection on the journey she carried the cries of her ancestors on her back, traced a lacuna ancient migrant paths where desert chordates feast on her fallen mother who but for a proliferation of sand, was left behind unadorned fill the page with her remains even an ant can chip away at bone

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.