Jay Kophy is a Ghanaian poet and writer whose poems have been featured in literary magazines such as kpodola, Kalahari Review, Eunoia Review, Tampered Press and many others. His debut pamphlet By the Fireside was published by Libros Agency in 2018. He’s also the curator of to grow in two bodies, a collection of poems and short stories from 35 poets and writers.
Poets Resist
Edited by Kwame Opoku-Duku
September 30, 2019
Jay Kophy
whenever my parents want to describe themselves
they always start by showing the tiredness
of their palms. to prove. with pride. that they are
hardworking people
there is an emptiness that grows on the face anytime
we swallow our suffering. only to spit it out when we
& what is suffering? a reminder that the happiness of
fire needs to be tamed by the rain. to stop the forest from
burning down?
I look at my father's body & I understand that hardwork
yields no profit in this country. I listen to my mother pray
with all the words she could cook in her mouth
& I understand that silence is a language. best spoken
to those who want to receive answers with fists full
of blessings
maybe this is why every face is covered with the
statement this country is dead
& what does that make us? orphans. standing at the feet
of the grave of what is trying to kill us?
to live in a country. where freedom is a story that
can only be read by watching the movements of the clouds
where poverty is a wound carved into your skin by those
who are to clothe you
is to be motherless in your mother's womb
Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.