Ahimaz Rajessh has been published recently with Elephants Never, Burning House Press, Marlskarx, Big Echo: Critical SF, Paint Bucket, Speculative 66, formercactus, Dream Pop Press and MoonPark Review. He lives in the Union of India.

Poets Resist
Edited by Daniel Cureton
December 3, 2019

Ahimaz Rajessh

old gods invented abstract empty vessels

bring that mounted AI down & strike the new gods with it for taking the sky-blue AI brains, giving them metal heads & bodies, setting them loose upon us the bustle. O, the man-made empty brains contain data guided by algorithms. the man-made Brahma & Buddha were & are some of the earliest versions of empty vessels, then came Christ & Rama, all empty vessels, two point O, filled with data guided by pseudocodes, that include or exclude us by recognizing & misrecognizing, with barely nary an inclusion or exclusion that's positive. bias is inherent & encoded into all god-made man things or is it man-made god things. why will god-made man machines — why will man-made god machines — be any different, lol. artificial intelligence is code for rule of hollow machine wherein rule of law remains in suspension. only the rich remain safe in this surveillance capitalism. rest of us are unsafe being as we're reduced to data & to targets. something goes amiss & the AIs are transferred the blame & their enforcers remain faultless like the Brahmin because they're deemed faultless by default. the new gods — Gateses, Bezoses, Mases, Premjies, Musks, Zuckers & Dorshits — bring with them the biases of old gods (Brahmins & Popes). the old gods invented abstract empty vessels & the new gods invent concrete empty machines wherein we're reduced once again to data. we live in Delhi, Colombo, Beijing, Johannesburg, New York & elsewhere, toiling, & the new gods are misogynists, casteists, racists, communalists & every which way insensitive just like the old.

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.