Vismai Rao’s poems appear or are forthcoming in the Indianapolis Review, RHINO, Salamander, Rust+Moth, Parentheses Journal, Burning House Press, & The Shore. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and the Orison Anthology. She lives in India.
Poets Resist
Edited by Alicia Cole
March 18, 2020
Vismai Rao
Ekphrasis with an introduction to doublespeak
After a photograph by Danish Siddiqui for Reuters, Delhi, 24th Feb 2020
In yoga we call it the Child Pose. Knees pressed
close to the chest, head slung in the crevice between —
Something fetal about the curve of the spine perhaps
that gives the pose its name. How it gently stretches
the back, relaxes muscles in the torso — The man
in this photograph is in Child Pose.
Not to strengthen spine, or de-stress the tense
muscles. Nor to slide into the distant promise of serenity
or balance imbalances of mind — His white shirt is splotched
red. Same as the front of his skull. In this photograph
eighteen men surround him. There are sticks. Helmets.
Faces hidden. The man in this photograph
is in Child Pose though this is no place
for Yoga poses. A piece of broken road
holds his palms. Smoke clouds in the distance.
Raised arms block the sky.
This is not the floor of a studio. No instructor
whispers here, guiding a body to recall the child
it once was — That fetal warmth —
In this photograph,
something’s off —
This is not home. This looks nothing like a womb.
Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.