Danielle Rose lives in Massachusetts with her partner and their two cats. She is the managing editor of Dovecote Magazine and used to be a boy.

Poets Resist
Edited by Kanika Lawton
June 6, 2019

Danielle Rose

Constitutional Crisis as Water Torture

for Scott Warren these are the questions we prefer to ignore as water dripping upon the stone we ignore the stone’s hollow we ignore the reservoir bucket (unless they are left for those crossing toward safety — then we imprison & become arguments in hostile courtrooms it is so easy to forget that we are all living & how can we forget this? how can we understand that leaving water in the desert is a crime? we cannot & so we keep leaving water) this is how we write poems without saying their names or looking them in the eye & is there a metaphor for everything coming apart at the seams? it seems yes (because water is need we bless it & it fills us like god or great love even when we cannot see it so how can leaving water in the desert be a crime? i cannot understand if human beings must drink & the desert is arid like desire for safe passage we must leave water because we must drink water) the metaphors are disgusting things come apart at the seams and spill entrails forget the reservoir forget the hollow spilling like dead splayed in the sand each drop each death each day they demand we stop leaving water in the desert so when they demand you stop leaving water in the desert don’t

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.