Hannah Schoettmer is a senior at Interlochen Arts Academy. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Butcher Papers, a youth-focused literary magazine, which can be found online at butcherpapers.org. She has been recognized by TeenInk, Write the World, the Scholastic Art and Writing awards, and the American High School Poets, among others. Her creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in 24hr Neon Mag, Royal Rose, Crepe and Penn, and elsewhere. She serves as a regular contributor for Marias at Sampaguitas and MID-HEAVEN MAGAZINE.

Poets Resist
Edited by Michael Carter
August 12, 2019

Hannah Schoettmer

generational dissonance

we say when we are older we want to own a little hut in rural Peru or Croatia. we don’t know why we want this but right now we are together in this big city that smells like piss and sweat and heat even at night. we are counting the bullets in their bodies and drinking hard cider our rich friend stole from her also rich but absent father and dancing in the streets every June but hiding in the shadowy places the rest of the time. right now we are scratching reminders into our arms with Bic pens and biting into fatty street vendor hot dogs and feeling the grease drip down our chins. I currently have this pore clogging along the grease trail — I can feel the pimple sitting up pushing towards the surface for no reason besides spoiling the pictures we wanted to take later, except I can just edit it out with the patch tool in Facetune so it’s okay. I eat the rest of the hot dog. right now we are enjoying the city because we know it won’t last — there’s this plague seeping through the streets and we’re out of alcohol and also there’s a glacier melting so fast it’s cutting new rivers into dirt just a few thousand miles away

This poem is a look at the my mentality regarding the future, as a young person. We are living in a time fraught with this looming dread of the future, caused by guns and climate change and a million other things. This undercurrent of unease is like a constant low hum that young people ignore, but still constantly experience and are aware of in their day to day lives..

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.